Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I am studying the paper "Swam: a family of access methods for similarity-search in peer-to-peer data networks", and got the following questions:
1. is the lp-norm distance computation-efficient? what's the difference between Euclidean and it on the computation cost
2. based on small-world theory, an O(logN) is acquired, but I still don't know the proof detail, is it a breakthrough over Jon Kleinberg's distributed algorithm?
3. since there is no assumption on the data distribution, how to establish long-range links is interesting, again, it's related with their algorithm on the modified small-world theory, I think
4. a related question is whether a point lattice is a voronoi graph, because this paper employs voronoi graph, and I want to induce some thoughts from regular grids, is it possible that there is still a trap, I need to study voronoi graph more
5. turn to our project, it seems that the following problems are interesting on their own part, first, the degree of each node, second, the dynamic dimensionality, third, the evaluation metric, all these should be considered carefully

today I am also reading Viceroy, a butterfly network based routing protocol

Monday, November 29, 2004


the problem exists in the stack limit set up in the linux
now I have two solutions:
1. increase the stack limit allowed in the linux by
ulimit -s 16384
2. replace the big array with a STL bitset, but bitset requires a contant size in the declaration

Sunday, November 28, 2004


It's strange that the program has a segmentation fault when the node number increases to 3000, it seems that the array is too large, but why don't the original versions have this problem.
seems, not, after downsizing the array tmpSet, the problem still occurrs.

there is no Array container in STL, and Vector is regarded as a replacement, but obviously the replace of the array with Vector leads to regressive performance

the segmentation fault still happens, and I will leave this as a tomorrow's task

Saturday, November 27, 2004

peer-to-peer: harnessing the power of disruptive technologies

1. If you are looking for a litmus test for peer-to-peer, this is it:
Does it allow for variable connectivity and temporary network addresses?
and does it give the nodes at the edges of the network significant autonomy?
If the anwer to both of those questions is yes, the application is peer-to-peer. If the answer to either question is no, it is not peer-to-peer -- Clay Shirky, the accelerator group

Users will not adopt peer-to-peer applications that embrace decentralization for decentralization's sake. Instead, they will adopt those applications that use just enough decentralization, in just the right way, to create novel functions or improve existing ones

The lesson of HTML's astonishing rise for anyone tyring to make sense of the social aspects of technology is simple: follow the users. Understand the theory, study the engineering, but most importantly, follow the adoption rate.

In the "Remaking the peer-to-peer meme" authored by Tim O'Reilly, he mentions Jabber and Groove both providing an XML routing infrastructure; and also claims that meta data management is very important in the namespace definitione of the peer-to-peer systems, for example, the current Napster only provides the simplest pair metadata including artist and song name; furthermoe, he writes that an open namespace with multiple providers will create a more powerful network than a closed one.

Any system that requires real-time group access or rapid searches through large sets of unique data will benefit from centralization in ways that will be difficult in peer-to-peer systems

Gnutella's route vs. broadcast

Thursday, November 25, 2004


1. consider long-range links in CNode::route()
2. consider long-range links in CPhysicalNetwork::stat() , especially when I count the routing table size
3. via a prelimilary observation, the hop length does not improve, rather downgrade a little bit, but the standard deviation of hop lengths do improve a little bit; and I should consider k links after a complete run of the prelimilary test

from "knockout presentations"

1. memorize concepts rather than the slides
2. There are three parts to any speech: tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you just told them. This translates into an opening, a body, and a closing. Try a startling statement or statistic, a surprising action, a quote, a story, a rhetorical question, a personal experience, a visual aid, or humor. Or begin with your ending.
3. Color creates associations in the minds of your audience members:
Red simulates emotion. Passion, desire, competition, danger, stop, error, downturn
Green inspires involvement or interaction. Social, intelligent, open, growth, money, readiness, spring, new beginnings.
Gray communicates a lack of commitment or neutrality.
Blue is a calm, conservative color. Trust, stability, loyalty, tradition.
Yello is associated with cheerfulness and hope for the fugure.
Purple has a mystical quality. Fun, humorous, or light topics
Brown is perceived as passive, searching for something solid. Unstable and less credible
Black signifies power and sophistication. Removes emotion

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


1.fixed a big bug in the proof, fortunately, the fundamental result does not need to change
2. to observer the performance of the long-range link, I can first measure the one on a completed overlay network, leaving the dynamism to a little later
the function void fling() is defined in overlay network class

3. gnu multiprecision does not provide efficient logarithmic or exponential function, and the output function is also inflexible, based on FILE structure

local dentist information

Dr. Manning Chiang 576-9090, 655 King st. W. kitchener
Dr. Charles Zhang 745-7725, 100 Victorial St. N. Kitchener

Friday, November 19, 2004

From "the elements of style"

Unless you are prepared to begin with "firstly" and defend it, do not use "secondly".... Mordern usage prefers "second" and so on

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Again, "bugs in writing"

Full versus incomplete infinities
You should use full infinitives in a series in which the infinitives are modified in different ways. That is, to write well, or to avoid mistakes,...

You should not use contractions in formal writing; it's ok to use them in casual writing

You should use per in formal writing rather than "a"

Fuzzy words
very: exceptionally, remarkably
a lot of: myriad, multifarious, multitudinous

You should use "data" only to denote numerous discrete measurements. When you wish to refer to a single item, use "datum".

Ensure, assure, insure
You should use each word correctly to "ensure" that your readers are "assured" that you know
what you are doing, so that they feel no need to "insure" themselves against damage from bad

Above and below
You should use words such as previous, preceding, and earlier, rather than above. And you should use words such as following, next, and here, rather than below

Who versus that
You should use "who" to denote creatures to whom you grant human characteristics, and should use "that" for every other object that you discuss

You should not use "though" on its own, you should use "although" or "even though"

With terms
You should "meet" people, rather than "meething with" them
You should "visit" people, rather than "visiting with" them
You should "consult" people, rather than "consuting with" them
You should place objects or people "with" each other, rather than "together with" each other
You should avoid using "along with" to mean "as well as" or simply "with"

Unless you have an excellent reason to do otherwise, you should place adverbs at the ends of the phrases to which they belong

Inference and deduction
The words "deduce" and "infer" have usefully different meanings that allow you to distinguish
the direction of reasoning. "Deduction" is reasoning from the general to the specific, or from the population to the individual. "Inference" is reasoning from the specific to the general, or from the sample to the population. Be careful not to confuse "infer" with "imply", which means to indicate or express indirectly.

Whether vs. if
In most cases, you should use simply "whether", rather than "whether or not". Use "whether or not" when you mean "regardless" or "irrespective". Keep intact the phrase "whether or not"; do not spread it out over your sentence.
You should use "if" when you are simply placing a constraint

You should never use "is comprised of"

In order to
The phrase "in order to" is fusty and verbose; in almost all situations, "to" will suffice, and "so as to" rather than "in order to"

Persons vs. people
You should almost never use "persons"; you should use "people" when you intend to denote the plural of "person"

You should use "preceding", "previous", "foregoing", or a similar word, or use "final", "concluding", "closing", "terminal", "endmost" if that is what you mean

Focus (on)
use concentrate on, obsessed with, pay attention to, rather than the worn-out "focus"

There are sufficient serviceable words that mean "approximately", "more or less", "about", "roughly", "generally", and "in round numbers"; you should not drag "around" into service for this purpose

You should use a semicolon when what follows constitutes a complete sentence
You should use a semicolon before complete-sentence clauses that begin with "for example" and "that is"

When you describe research results, you should generally use the past tense to indicate that the results apply only to the population studied. If you want to imply that the results generalize, then you can use the present tense.

In an abstract for a research paper, you should state
What the problem was
what your hypothesis was
how you tested it
what the results were
what your conclusions are

It is important that you not use "importantly" when you mean "important", which is arrogant, or you can write important material

You should reserver "since" for time relationships, and should use "because" to indicate causal linkages, because those are the correct uses of the words

Note that
When you wish to flag a sentence for your readers' attention, you should first ask yourself whether the content is not sufficient to call attention to itself without your aid; if you determine that the sentence needs a flashing light, use the simplest choice: "not that", rather than "notice that" or "it is important to notice that"

Maybe vs. may be
You should set the term "maybe", meaning "perhaps", as one word; you should set the verb "may be" as two words

Continuous vs. continual
"Continuous" means "occurring without interruption", while "continual" means "recurring steadily"

You should use italics for emphasis rather than boldface,

clarification of the concept of torus

d-torus must have d holes in the torus; it will be different when we talk about a d-dimensional hyper-cube with starting point meeting the end point

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

continue the abstract for "Bugs in writing"

you should use "while" to mean only "at the same time as"; you should not use it to mean "whereas (然而)" or although

E.g. (exempli gratia) means "for example", and should always be followed by a comma
I.e. (id est) means "that is", and should always be followed by a comma
Etc. (et cetera) means "and so on", and should always be preceded by a comma
Et al. (et alia) means "and others"; you should use it only in reference citations -- do not use it as a substitute in text for "and colleagues", "and associates", or "and coworkers".
Use Latin abbreviations only in parentheses, however, do not use them in the regular text line (use instead "for example", "that is", and "and so on"). Do not set these abbreviations in italic type; use roman.
If you begin a list with e.g., do not end it with etc. -- both indicate an incomplete series, so using both is redundant

Define the abbreviation on first use, and use them always thereafter.
You should not capitalize the initial letter of a word that you are about to abbreviate unless you have a separate reason for doing so

Number spelling
you should spell out all numbers at the beginning of a sentence that follows a period or a colon
you should use numerals for all units of measure

You should avoid using impact to mean influence or effect

You should always use arabic numerals, rather than letters or Roman numerals, in an intext list

Like vs. Such as
You should always use "like" correctly to refer to likeness, or resemblance. You should use "such as" to indicate an example member of a group about which you are speaking. You should use"as" to indicate a likeness in activities.

a research on how to keep teeth health

1. floss teeth thorougly once per day
2. brush twic using floride toothpaste, 2.5 - 3 minutes per time
3. remember to rinse mouth after meal, or use chewing gum
4. use a kind of fluid to disinfect teeth reguraly

Monday, November 15, 2004

abstract from "Bugs in writing"

The principles of lucid writing:
You should avoid using passive voice in your writing; you should instead use active voice and should name your agents.

You should distinguish the three terms so, so that, and such that , so that you write more accurately, such that you use words correctly, so you feel confident when you publish your document.

you should use the terms between, eatch other, either, and a couple to refer to precisely two entiteis; and you should use the term among, one another, any one of, and several to refer to more than two entities.

Max only ate breakfast; he did not throw it on the floor.

you should never attempt to motivate any entity that is not a living creature.

You should consider organizing your presentation based on key terms, which are terms critical to the meaning of yor discussion; that you should usually define key term in text; and that you should use a form of typographical distinction to highlight key terms.

We have proved that you should use proven only as a modifier

You should understand that none can mean not any or not one. If your phrase would be recast as none of them, then you should use plural form of the verb; if the phrase would be recast as none of it, then you should use a singular verb

You should use a colon at the end of a sentence to indicate that further explanation follows: An explanation might consist of detailed list, for example, or of an example

You should use that to identify objects (which may be creatures), and should use which to make remarks that provide extra information about objects
1. does the clause identify the object under discussion (that), or does it merely add information (which)?
2. does the clause pick out one among possibly many like objects (that), or is there only one such object under discussion (which)?
3. does the clause contribute information critical to the meaning of the sentence (that), or is the contribution more in the nature of a parenthetical remark (which)?
4. should the clause be left without commas (that), or should it be set off by commas (which)?

Sunday, November 07, 2004

two questions

1. how to shred xml into the strctured p2p overlay structure?
2. is metric distance necessary for the structured p2p routing algorithm?

does tree edit distance work for xml overlay

seems that the construction of the overlay is too expensive, if there are N nodes, the construction will cost N square, don't mension the maintenance