Tuesday, December 14, 2004

motorola peer to peer voip adaptor

excerpt from http://blog.tmcnet.com/blog/tom-keating/voip/voip-blog/motorola-peertopeer-voip-adaptor.asp

IIt sounds like you hook up this adaptor to your PC and then using one of Motorola's two-way radios, you can communicate with your PC (via the adaptor) which then initiates a VoIP call to the 2nd two-way radio you are trying to reach. This helps get around the 5 mile limit on two-way radios as well as other benefits. Here's the excerpt:

Motorola New Peer-to Peer Two Way Adapter - lets you go beyond the 5 mile barrier. You can now talk with friends and family almost anywhere. Radio users can talk for free over the Internet to anyone else on the network by connecting almost any FRS or GMRS two-way to a computer and then transmitting the user's voice over VoIP. The users send voice data packets to and from each other, directly, in a true peer-to-peer fashion resulting in an evolutionary next generation of Motorola's industry-leading hand-held two-way radios.

popular blogger sites

memepool.com, globeofblogs.com, metafilter.com,
blogs.salon.com, blogtree.com, and Yahoo blogs.


We will use XBench to synthesize data for the experiment

Futureshop return policy

We would be pleased to exchange or give you a refund in-store on most items you buy online, up to 30 days after your receive your order. We will gladly exchange Computers, Monitors, Direct To You Custom Built Computers, Printers, Notebook Computers, Camcorders, Digital Cameras, Radar Detectors, Portable DVD Players and Air Conditioners up to 14 days after you receive your order.

Sunday, December 12, 2004


I find that we cannot use the OpenDHT directly, since we need to bring the Chord and the Wisconsin routing XML system into a uniform network environment; if we insist to use OpenDHT, that means we should use PlanetNet to simulate our system; but for better self-control of the project since it is still far from mature, I prefer to develop and debug locally; certainly, later we can populate the system by using OpenDHT or other more open testbed.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


when the system joins 9000 nodes, there is a segmentation fault, the reason is that I did not give enough stack to treat such a scale, so I increase the stack limit to 32MByte, and hope it go through

Friday, December 10, 2004


use valgrind to check the memory leak and find the major leak is because of
the function mpz_get_str, I adjusted it, valgrind is really wonderful

car insurance

Car insurance fee can only be refunded after 45 days

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

English class

approve of
bring `up with, catch `up with, look for`ward to...
euthusiastic about not on!!
emphasize verbs and pronounce them clearly


Today I find that actually I can assign "null" value for a piece of XML data on those dimensions it has no specific value defined, and by default, the hyper-rectangle will correspond to the full range, but the coordinate value can be treated as zero.

also debug the long-range links part

Monday, December 06, 2004

my car

Yesterday it stopped to start for a while, and today it returns to normal, but the "theft system" stays on when I drive, somebody recomments to GM dealer to cut a new car as a solution, I write down here as a reminder.


Semantic Small World: An Overlay Network for Peer-to-Peer Search

A network is said to be small world if it has small average path length (i.e., similar to the average path length in random networks) and large cluster coefficient (i.e., much greater than that of random networks).

The fling() function has bugs, the i/o operation for the mp library

Saturday, December 04, 2004

verbatim in latex

instead of using \verb, I can use \begin{verbatim} and \end{verbatim} so that double quote can be used in the block, nice

Friday, December 03, 2004


1. check the correctness of the dynamic dimensionality solution
2. proofreading and adding illustrations
3. how to treat the ancestor-descendant queries under the environment with dynamic dimensionality, a compromise is to assume that the user knows the depth of the hierarchical she wants to, otherwise it becomes a full-text search
4. Khuzaima and Lei don't like the word "index", I should be careful and use another word

Thursday, December 02, 2004

revisiting an idea

Today I asked Abdul whether he had a case that after sending an email, he wants to get it back, that's the popular undo operation. Actually it is a useful operation, and I want to realize it, like adding some database flavor into the email system. I need to make an investigation the other day.

funny ideas


This company has two interesting applications: voip and leak proof security email, both employing peer to peer technology, a funny part is that they use voip to turn a pc or notebook into a telephone, even can sell a microphone together with the pc :) and another interesting sales mode is that they bundle two packages for sale, because p2p is supposed to be used by dual

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Waterloo, Belgium

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Waterloo is a municipality located in the Belgian province of Walloon Brabant. It is the site of the famous Battle of Waterloo. The Battle of Waterloo, fought on June 18, 1815, was Napoleon Bonaparte's last battle.


1. test dynamic dimensionality
2. limited number of dimensions
3. heuristics of the interchange between the two overlay networks
4. long-range links

Tragedy of the Commons

Abstracted from "peer-to-peer: harnessing the power of the disruptive technologies"

Biologist Garrett Hardin labeled this economic plight the "tragedy of the commons". The "commons" (originally a grazing area in the middle of a village) is any resource shared by a group of people: it includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, land for farming and grazing, and fish from the sea. The tragedy of the commons is that a commonly owned resource will be overused until it is degraded, as all agents pursue self-interest first. Freedom in a ommons brings ruin to all; in the end, the resource is exhausted.


Question: a piece of XML data probably contains more than one attributes, so does a query, shall I associate them to facilitate the routing protocol?

Compared with SWAM:
1. SWAM CIKM paper does not indicate the sampling method to establish long-range links
2. it is not appropriate in a large dimensionality or dynamic dimensonality
3. I still do not know how SWAM prove the logN by using Jon Kleinberg's distributed algorithm based on small-world theory
4. I got a hole on a tooth, so I should vote for the dental plan :)
5. Curse of dimensionality (Bellman 1961) refers to the exponential growth of hypervolume as a function of dimensionality. -- Answer by Janne Sinkkonen. Our sampling method is not related to "curse of dimensionality" because we sample only once on each dimension and the long-range link establishment is done also only once after the sampling over all dimensions
6. Similarly, Monte Carlo methods randomly select values to create scenarios of a problem. These values are taken from within a fixed range and selected to fit a probability distribution [e.g. bell curve, linear distribution, etc.]. In Monte Carlo simulation, the random selection process is repeated many times to create multiple scenarios. Each time a value is randomly selected, it forms one possible scenario and solution to the problem. Together, these scenarios give a range of possible solutions, some of which are more probable and some less probable. Monte Carlo simulation is advantageous because it is a "brute force" approach that is able to solve problems for which no other solutions exist. Unfortunately, this also means that it is computer intensive and best avoided if simpler solutions are possible. The most appropriate situation to use Monte Carlo methods is when other solutions are too complex or difficult to use.

7. possible extension: selectivity based, routing/sampling for arbitrary multi-dimensional data distribution, load balancing, data placement (for load balancing both for storage and query), information retrieval, which allows false hit so that we can employ broadcast+routing; and the pub/sub system which reverse the query with data; bloomfilter based filtering for routing hint

8. Euclidean space is also a Hilbert space, which is defined on the constraint of norm